Stomach cancer is the most frequent growth (90%) of all gastric tumocs. This is a deadful medical and social problem for people in in countries all world. Stomach cancer still occupies the first place among the malign frequency of morbidity and mortality . For the past 15 years 450 ??? patients were enlisted in the clinics of Ukraine ‘s Institute of Gastroenterology of the Academy of Medical Science.
The first place by frequency takes gastric cancer (n=230 patients). 68 patients beetween 1986 and 2002 in the oncological diseases, 25 of them had a diagnostic of gastric cancer. We propose new proven diagnostics for gastric cancer patients on dysplasia level. This is a method of bioenergetics diagnisis of the human physiological state. Hereby methods of biolocation and electric acupuncture diagnosis are used. The method allows to diagnose gastric cancer 3-5-8-10 years before its display. This method also allow to make an effective conservative, cytostatic therapy and further enabling an effective use of the main operture method of treatment in the given cases. Thorugh the proposed method it is also possible to use cryosurgery in the given cases effectively. In addition, an effective prophylactic of gastric cancer can be ensured. Finally, this method allows to make oncopathological screenings in a quick and effective manner with the majoruty of the population.