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In integrative medicine clinics “Smartmedia” implemented an effective union of modern methods of diagnosis and therapy with the help of hardware-software complexes of manufacturing firms’ Altimed

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Patients integrative medicine clinics “Smartmedia” have the opportunity to receive comprehensive treatment drugs “Fitoliniya Smartmedia” in combination with bio-resonance therapy using the software and hardware company “Altimedproduction.

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Phyto-line “SmartMed” is based on experience, gained over the centuries: the use of these products proves their highest efficiency and their positive impact on the human body.


[dt_sc_full_width first][dt_sc_h1 class=””]Clinics of Integrative Medicine “SmartMed” are[/dt_sc_h1][/dt_sc_full_width][dt_sc_two_third first]
  • Effective integration of modern methods of diagnosis and treatment based on herbal medicine Phytoline ” SmartMed “, developed by International MedicalCenter in cooperation with the Institute of Gastroenterology of the Ukrainian Academy of Medical Sciences.
  • A comprehensive individual approach to treatment and the latest technological equipment, produced by Ukrainian company “Altimed,” widely used in 57 countries of Europe and Asia, allowing accurately and quickly get correct diagnosis, as well as clearly and individually find proper drugs for treatment and determine their dosage.
  • All the techniques and products have Ukrainian and European cerfication.
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Clinics of Integrative Medicine “SmartMed” are subdivisions of the International medical center and work in collaboration with the Institute of Gastroenterology Ukrainian Academy of Medical Sciences (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine) and clinic Rudolfinerhaus (Vienna, Austria). Unique experts, herbal medicines and modern equipment allows us not only to achieve impressive results in the treatment of complex diseases, but also to restore the normal functioning of body organs and systems in general.

[/dt_sc_one_half][dt_sc_one_half type=”type1″ ][dt_sc_h5 class=””]WE OFFER A UNIQUE TREATMENT METHOD OF:[/dt_sc_h5]

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (including gastric and duodenal ulcers associated with Helicobacter pylori, as well as ulcerative colitis and chronic pancreatitis);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • SARS and influenza at home – in the shortest possible time and without complications;
  • chlamydia;
  • Hepatitis B and C;
  • hepatosis;
  • Diabetes Type 2;
  • bronchopulmonary diseases, rhinitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis;
  • stomatitis, gingivitis, otitis media;
  • inflammation of the female reproductive system;
  • kidney stones, prostate, and urogenital tract;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • food poisoning and errors in food;
  • meteozavisimyh patients with the syndrome of vegetative dystonia in hypotonic type, removal of pain, cramps and more.
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We are on the radio:

Kidneys and urinary tract

28.05.2015 -«Формула Здоровья » (ведущая – Светлана Василенко)

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Brief information about the clinic.
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Институт гастроэнтерологии Академии медицинских наук Украины

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ООО «Алтимед»




ул. Лютеранская, 16
+38 (044) 585 31 17
+38 (073) 503 40 30
+38 (095) 503 40 30

ул. Мостицкая, 9
+38 (044) 299 06 10
+38 (095) 041 34 24

ул. Грушевского, 53
+38 (097) 670 43 37

ул. Пилипа Орлика, 20/1
+38 (099) 369 27 70
+38 (0532) 60 82 78
+38 (067) 530 31 11

ул. Одинцова, 9
+38 (050) 313 13 78
+38 (067) 268 33 96