Gepatophilum plus is a vegetable ethanolic extract of rapid action. It is used as a special food additive for different diseases of liver and its allied diseases.
Trade name: Gepatophilum plus.
Pharmaceutical form: drops.
Composition of the vegetable extract: lady’s purse, tansy, common valerian, pepper mint, great morel, sandy everlasting, five alkaloids extraction (10-6) and other components.
Pharmacological effect: hepatoprotective remedy boosting liver resistance to pathological processes by stimulating its enzymatic systems, including cytochrome 450 and other microsomal enzymes, promoting its functional recovery after different kinds of damage, including alcohol intoxication and having positive effect on metabolic processes in the liver; increases secretion of glandular apparatus of gastrointestinal tract; stimulates biliary excretion; reduces spasm and pain in unstriated muscle organs; has antiseptic effect; curbs processes of putrefaction and zymosis in gastrointestinal tract; displays antimicrobial properties as to Staphylococcus aureus and a number of spore-forming bacteria. Stimulates central nervous system, heightens mental and physical activity, boosts work capacity and endurance, capable of neutralizing the influence of the vagus nerve on the heart, which leads to tachycardia and improvement of conductivity, improves peristalsis of the intestine, dilates peripheral, vessels, possesses phytoncide effect, works as a hemostatic, antihelminthic (against ascarids and pinworms), antilabliasis, cholagogic, spasmolytic and styptic means, increases appetite, acidity of gastric juice, relieves spasms of the unstriated muscles organs, weakens convulsions caused by brucine alkaloid, improves coronary blood circulation, regulates arteriovenous tone, prevents heightening of intracranial veins tone caused by nitroglycerine treatment, promotes blood outflow through external veins.
Indications: for liver diseases, cholecystitis, cholangitis, lambliasis of biliary tracts and intestines, cholelithiasis, wind, enterocolitis; as a styptic agent for gastrointestinal, kidney and uterine bleedings, especially after the overdose of indirect anticoagulants; as a spasmolytic remedy for spastic conditions in the pancreas ducts; for peptic and duodenal ulcers, stomach cramps, pilorospams, chronic gastritis, poor digestion, secretory function abnormalities of the gastrointestinal gland apparatus, dysphagy, , especially during cardial spasms; in the treatment of acute food poisonings; for chronic colitis with pain syndrome, spastic constipations, kidney colic; bradycardia, bradicardiac extrasystole, Keith-Flack node weakness, sinus arrhythmia, siniauricular and atrioventricular heart blocks (in cases of slow ventricles rhythm); for intoxication by heart glycosides; for neuroses, hysteria, epilepsy along with other treatments; heart ache, extrasystole; for thyrotoxicosis with distressing symptoms (heat sense, heartbeat sense etc.); for selected kinds of avitaminosis; as a sedative for menopausal disorders, accompanied by insomnia. The preparation tones up vasomotorial centers, reflexively improves blood circulation in brain and heart vessels; is used in psychiatry for: resistant schizophrenia cases, maniacal-depressive syndrome, acute alcohol psychosis, as a depressant in the treatment of patients with epileptic psychoses; in urology: for pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis, kidney colic; as an antihelminthic and antilambliasis remedy for ascaridosis.
Special warnings: individual intolerance to the components of the preparation.
Administration: to be administered on doctor’s recommendations.
Dosage and method of administration: 5 drops neat or in 30 ml of still non-mineral water. Recurrent administration every 6 hours, 30 min before meals. For acute food poisoning to be taken neat or in some still non-mineral water (30 ml), 40-120 drops of the extraction once during the day. If necessary, to be repeated on the 2nd and 3d day. To restore the function of the liver, 5 drops 3-4 times day for 1-2 weeks. For massive bleeding: to be taken neat or in 30 ml of still non-mineral water, 80-120 drops once a day. If necessary, the extraction is to be taken for the first 3 days.
Side effects: none.
Interaction with other medicines: consult your doctor if on other medications.
Package: 30 ml bottles.
Storage conditions: store at room temperature in a dark place out of reach of children.
Sell condition: over the counter.
Shelf life: 3 years.
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